if unless ka prayog in hindi – Use of Unless in place of If
If का शाब्दिक अर्थ ‘यदि’ होता है. If बताता है कि यदि एक क्रिया होती है तो उसके परिणाम क्या होंगे. इसके विपरीत Unless एक नकारात्मक (Negative) शब्द है जिसका अर्थ ‘यदि नहीं’ होता है. Unless बताता है कि यदि एक क्रिया नहीं होती है तो उसके परिणाम क्या होंगे. साधारणतः हम कह सकते है कि –
Unless = If………not
If के स्थान पर Unless का प्रयोग – if unless ka prayog in hindi
Rule 1 – If के स्थान पर Unless लगाते है.
Rule 2 – यदि If वाले वाक्य में do not हो तो उसे हटा देते है. दूसरे वाक्य में कोई परिवर्तन नहीं करते.
Ex. If you do not water the plants, they will not grow.
Unless you water the plants, they will not grow.
Rule 3 – यदि If वाले वाक्य में does not हो तो उसे हटाकर verb में s या es लगा देते है. दूसरे वाक्य में कोई परिवर्तन नहीं करते.
Ex. If Seema does not submit the assignment today, she will loose her marks.
Unless Seema submits the assignment today, she will loose her marks.
Rule 4 – यदि If वाले वाक्य में did not हो तो उसे हटाकर verb का second फॉर्म लगा देते है
Rule 5 – यदि If वाले वाक्य में किसी अन्य सहायक क्रिया के साथ not लगा हो तो केवल not हटा देते है.
Ex. 1. If the cart is not ready, we will go on foot.
Unless the cart is ready, we will go on foot.
2. If marketing is not in the hands of farmers’ organizations, they will not get a good realization of their efforts.
Unless marketing is in the hands of farmers’ organizations, they will not get a good realization of their efforts.
3. We will miss the train if we do not start now.
We will miss the train unless we start now.
Rule 6 – यदि if वाला वाक्य नकारात्मक न हो तथा दूसरे वाक्य में not लगा हो तो दूसरे वाक्य का not हटा देते है.
Example –
- If you work hard, you will not fail.
Unless you work hard, you will fail. - If they join us, we will not make loss.
Unless they join us, we will make loss. - We will miss the train if we do not start now.
We will miss the train unless we start now.
Rule 7 – यदि if वाला वाक्य नकारात्मक न हो तथा दूसरे वाक्य में not न लगा हो तो दूसरे वाक्य में not लगा देते है.
Example –
- If you work hard, you will pass.
Unless you work hard, you will not pass. - We will miss the train if we do not start now.
We will miss the train unless we start now.
Exercise of if unless ka prayog in hindi
Rewrite the following sentences using unless.
1. If we do not get the money before Friday, we will be in trouble.
2. If you do not give me the key, I will kill you.
3. If you do not submit the original documents, your application will be rejected.
4. I will take this job if the pay is not too low.
5. If they do not help us, we will not be able to finish this.
6. If you do not eat good food, you will not be healthy.
1. Unless we get the money before Friday, we will be in trouble.
2. Unless you give me the key, I will kill you.
3. Unless you submit the original documents, your application will be rejected.
4. I will take this job unless the pay is too low.
5. Unless they help us, we will not be able to finish this.
6. Unless you eat good food, you will not be healthy.
Unless के स्थान पर If का प्रयोग
Rule 1 – Unless के स्थान पर if लगाते है.
Rule 2 – यदि Unless वाला वाक्य Simple Present Tense में हो तो आवश्यकता अनुसार Subject के बाद do not या does not लगा देते है. दूसरे वाक्य में कोई परिवर्तन नहीं करते.
Ex. 1. Unless we curb poverty, we will be a poor nation.
If we do not curb poverty, we will be a poor nation.
2. Unless the plants get sunlight, they will not grow.
If the plants do not get sunlight, they will not grow.
Rule 3 – यदि If वाले वाक्य में कोई सहायक क्रिया उपस्थित हो तो सहायक क्रिया के बाद not लगा देते है.
Ex. 1. I will join you, unless I am working on Sunday.
I will join you if I am not working on Sunday.
2. Rajesh normally comes on time, unless his train is late.
Rajesh normally comes on time if his train is not late.